
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Ayan Hirsi Ali

For me feminism doesn't mean criticising men but standing for the rights of small it may be. But most of us do not possess the required strength to be the voice one needs to be. The other day I was reading 'Infidel' by Ayan Hirsi Ali...She dared to do just that. It is real,moving,strong and unnerving at times but the courage she has shown to swim against the tide is more than applaudable. Her determination to reach her goal in adverse situations, which most of us cannot even think in our remotest dream, is real inspiring. It's not because she dared to speak against the derogatory laws of Islam, which are often used against Muslim women makes her impressive,its her courage to speak the truths publicly and demanding solutions for the same was awe inspiring. Hats off to her....not only women but every person should take lessons from her courage to stand for the truth.

The determination and the courage simply oozes out from the photo on the cover page...I was so impressed I tried an acrylic on canvas of it.

1 comment:

  1. The picture in the post may not be perfect but somehow the determination in her posture remains a fan of hers and this is my tribute.
