
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Happy Holi

The festival of colors is once again here to remind us of the joyous spring.....enjoy my friends...dip yourself in colors of love and friendship......HAPPY HOLI...

Friday, March 8, 2013

The Boat and its Fisherman....

Often I've seen a lone fisherman alone in his boat....ragged and crumpled as himself...tilted with his known weight....carrying his catch to an unknown destination.......The vastness of the river engulfing his thoughts.....and I wonder while passing by.......could he have enough catch today to fend for the mouths he has left ashore.....!!!!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

A Floral tribute to yesteryear....

I was wondering whether I could create the yesteryear' be precise Renaissance period's color pallette and tried this out....A feel good stuff...I hope it appeals to the eyes .....:)

Friday, January 18, 2013

Need to know

Not being able to post images...can anyone help???

Thursday, December 27, 2012

A beautiful mood...

Sometimes we wander through some trivial thoughts and smile within....a sweet little smile with a little twitched lips...and...we remember a lovely moment...a loving a beautiful mood...............

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

That Sensitive Soul.....

        Hey Girl why're you out in the dark...don't you know what waits outside? Why do you wear such clothes...why dress up like a model in the fashion show...don't you know what waits outside ? Poor one knows what she wore that fateful day...her partner says she was claded from head to toe...but nobody saw...'cause she lay naked on the barren road full of staring eyes and no helping hands...raped and brutally assaulted.....shivers and jitters and protests followed.....justice, still delayed...justice for her stupidly sensitive soul.....never acquired...............................